2025 Elected Officials

2025 Elected Officials

Clay County Texas
Clay County Sheriff's Office - Records Division - Normal Business Hours
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Closed from noon to 1:00 PM and all day on County recognized holidays.
Information on traffic related accidents needs to be obtained from the State of Texas Crash Report Online. The link is on the Sheriff's Office home page.
Pursuant to Section 552.301(c), Government Code, the Clay County Sheriff's Office Records Division has been designated to receive all electronic mail requests for public information. The Department is not responsible for responding to electronic mail requests sent to any electronic mail address other than the one addressed to the Clay County Sheriff's Office Records Division.
To request information from this governmental body, please contact:
By mail or in person:
Clay County Sheriff's Office - Records Division
215 W. Gilbert
Henrietta, Texas, 76365
By email:
Clay County Open Records Request - Records Division
Request by FAX will not be accepted due to security concerns
Please allow up to 10 business days for a response to your request.
**Open Records may be delayed during COVID-19 and may take up to 14 business days**
The Clay County Sheriff’s Office receives hundreds of public information requests. Some of the requested records contain confidential information that the Sheriff’s Office may be prohibited by law from releasing. In these situations, the Sheriff’s Office must request a ruling from the Texas Attorney General’s Office as to the confidential nature of those documents or portions thereof. To expedite your request, you may agree in writing to exclude any confidential information contained in the documents that you are requesting by signing the request form.
Below is a list of information that is confidential by law and that may be contained in the documents you are requesting. Signing our request form means you agree to allow the Sheriff’s Office to exclude all of the confidential information included in the list of exemptions below. If you do not agree to allow the Sheriff’s Office to exclude the confidential information included in the list of exemptions, please attached a notarized statement indicating which categories you are not willing to exclude.
A more detailed explanation of each category can be downloaded by clicking on the link above labeled "Download Exceptions Form".
• Certain employee records
• Criminal History Information
• Motor Vehicle Records
• Medical Information
• Polygraph Examination
• Accident Report
• Personal Financial Information
• Certain Personal Information
• Juvenile Records
• Records related to Child Abuse or Neglect
• Information related to Victims of Sexual Assault Harassment
• Concealed handgun Licensees
• 911 Calls
• Security Codes
You may download the Open Records Information Request Form (pdf) and send it to the Sheriff's Office Records Division by Email, regular mail or by delivering it in person. Request by FAX will not be accepted due to security concerns. You will be contacted if fees are required, which must be paid prior to the release of the records.
The Department is not responsible for responding to electronic mail requests sent to any electronic mail address other than the one addressed to the Clay County Sheriff's Office Records Division, as stated above.
In an effort to provide prompt and efficient service, any request for information should include as much of the following information as possible, if known.
Date of request
Report number
Type of report (theft, burglary, assault, etc.)
Date of report or occurrence
Address where incident occurred
Parties involved
Any additional informational you feel may be beneficial
NOTE: A search fee will be charged to perform a search if the offense number, call for service number and/or date placed in jail is not provided.
Information concerning the Texas Public Information Act may be found at the Texas Attorney General's Open Government Section.
An explanation of fees can be downloaded here. (pdf)
Fees could be increased if a records search takes additional time or the records are located in more than one building.