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Some Options to Receiving Citation

This information is provided as a guide for the public for some of the ways to respond to a citation. The Court is not allowed by law to provide legal advice. You can represent yourself in court or seek legal advice.

Can you to talk to the Judge about your ticket?

The Judge is barred by law from talking to either side of a case without the other person (or persons) present. That is considered a one-sided conversation (ex-parte). You can plead not guilty and ask for a court date.

Can someone under the age of 17 take care of a ticket themselves?

No, persons 16 years of age and under must call the Court and make an appointment to appear before the Judge. A parent or legal guardian must be with you when you appear.

I want to plead Not Guilty?

If you wish to enter a plea of NOT GUILTY, please fill out the form "Response to Citation" and return it to the Court on or before your appearance date as indicated on the citation. The Court will contact you with a Trial Date.

I want to pay the Citation.

If you wish to enter a plea of Guilty or No-Contest (Nolo Contendere), please fill out the form "Response to Citation" and return it to the Court on or before your appearance date as indicated on the citation. The fine is the same for either plea. You must also agree to waive appearance before the Court for trial. Please refer to the schedule below to determine the total amount due the Court. If the violation is not listed, please contact the Court. This amount can be paid by Cashier's Check or Money Order made payable to the Justice Court. Enclose a copy of the Citation with your payment along with form "Response to Citation".

I want to take a Drivers Safety Course.

If you wish to be considered for a Drivers Safety Course, please refer to the information under “Drivers Safety Course” on the home page of the Court web site. CDL licenses are not eligible.

I want to consider Deferred Adjudication.

If you wish to be considered for a Deferred Adjudication (a type of probation), please refer to the information on “Deferred Adjudication” on the home page of the Court web site.

I can't pay right now.

If you are unable to pay the fine, contact the Court before your appearance date to discuss options.

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